Presenter Instructions

Table of contents

1) Instructions for authors of ICCP papers
2) Instructions for poster and demo authors
3) Video instructions
4) General content requirements

1 ) Instructions for authors of ICCP papers

  • Each in-person paper presentation will consist of a live presentation by the presenting author for 11 minutes, followed by a live Q&A with the presenting author for 4 minutesWe will enforce time limits strictly. Please make sure to practice your presentation so that you stay within the 11-minute limit.
  • Presenting authors will use their own laptops to present their papers.
  • We will not show our own title slides for papers. If you want to introduce the paper information (e.g., poster or paper name, author names, affiliations), your presentation should include a title slide.
  • Slides should ideally, but optionally, have a 16:9 aspect ratio. Slides that have a different aspect ratio will be automatically padded when displayed.
    You can set your slide presentation to have the recommended aspect ratio as follows:
    Powerpoint: Go to “Design” → “Slide Size” → “Widescreen (16:9)”.
    Keynote: Go to “View” → “Show Inspector” → “Document” → “Slide size” → “1280×720”.
  • We recommend using font sizes 20 pt or larger for visibility. We also recommend that you use standard fonts to the extent possible.
  • Please ensure your presentations comply with the general content requirements (see below).

2) Instructions for poster and demo authors

  • Poster authors should prepare a poster they will present in person during their assigned poster session, available under the program page (TBA).
  • The poster boards can fit A0 posters (118,9 x 84.1 cm), (46.8″x33.1″) in the vertical format and all smaller posters
  • The presenting authors of each poster should hang their posters during the coffee break before their poster session and remove their posters after the community poster session (Monday) or poster session (Tuesday).
  • To be considered for spotlight/awards, the accepted posters/demos must submit a pre-recorded narrated video with a duration of 1 minute.
  • Some of these submissions will be selected for spotlight and will be played during the main program. All these submissions are eligible for poster awards.
  • Videos for spotlight posters will be played by conference organizers during the corresponding spotlight session. All submitted videos for posters will be uploaded to the ICCP YouTube Channel.
  • Please see the instructions below for creating and submitting your pre-recorded video.
  • If you are presenting a demo, we will provide a table of size 150cm x75cm or 60″ x 30″. We will also provide two chairs and one 120V/20A power outlet for each demo table. Please email poster and demo chairs ( with a list of additional requirements for your demos. If you need to ship demo materials to EPFL, please email, and we will provide shipping instructions.
  • Demo presenters can additionally present a poster and submit a video as above.
  • Please ensure your posters, videos, and demos comply with the general content requirements (see below).
  • Local poster printing information: Poster printing stores close to the venue (not affiliated with ICCP) are

3) Video instructions

Video technical specifications

  • Videos must have a length of at most 1 minutes for posters. Shorter videos are acceptable. Longer videos will be automatically truncated to the maximum allowable length.
  • Videos must be in .mp4 format, with H.264 encoding. Please do not simply rename the video file from some other format (e.g., .avi, .mov, .wmv) to .mp4, as such files still have incorrect encoding.
  • Videos must have a frame rate of 30 fps.
  • Videos should ideally, but optionally, have a 16:9 aspect ratio at 1920 x 1080 resolution. Videos with different aspect ratios will be automatically padded and resized before being uploaded.

Title slide and information

  • We will not show our own title slides for posters. If you want to introduce the paper or poster information (e.g., paper or poster name, author names, affiliations), your video should include a title slide.

Presenter self-view

  • We recommend that speakers show themselves during the video recording. Feedback from previous conferences consistently shows that attendees find presentations where the presenter’s face is visible a lot more engaging.
  • We recommend placing your self-view in a floating window at the top-right or bottom-right corner of your presentation.
  • During recording, the speaker should ideally occupy about 1/3 of screen space, with the camera placed at eye-level height. As a rule of thumb, in a good composition, the speaker should be visible from the shoulders to the top of their head.

Equipment and environment recommendations

  • We recommend using an external microphone, as this helps provide cleaner audio compared to built-in microphones.
  • We recommend using either a built-in or external camera for recording the presenter’s self-view.
  • We recommend recording in a quiet environment to the extent possible. Avoid noise to prevent distractions during your presentation.
  • We discourage having bright lights behind the presenter. Backlighting makes it harder for most cameras to focus and expose properly.
  • We recommend having a clean background (real or virtual) that will help keep your audience focused.

Suggestions for recording your video

  • You can turn a slide presentation into a video recording with narration and self-view using any of the following software platforms:
    • Powerpoint (online instructions). Please note that versions before Microsoft 365 may not support including a self-view in the recording.
    • Keynote (online instructions).
    • Zoom (online instructions). Please note that recording through Zoom will result in significant degradation in the quality of your visuals (e.g., your slides). We do not recommend this option if some alternative is available.
    • Other software (e.g., OBS Studio) that supports screen, camera, and microphone capture, along with slides created using any presentation software.
  • If the software you use does not support exporting to .mp4 format, you must re-encode your file. You can do this using YouTube (upload and then download), or FFMPEG (e.g., ffmpeg -i input.wmv -c:a aac -c:v libx264 -crf 16 -preset slow output.mp4).

Suggestions for creating your slides

  • You can set your slide presentation to have the recommended aspect ratio as follows:
    • Powerpoint: Go to “Design” → “Slide Size” → “Widescreen (16:9)”.
    • Keynote: Go to “View” → “Show Inspector” → “Document” → “Slide size” → “1280×720”.
  • We recommend that you use fonts of size 20 pt or larger for visibility. We also recommend that you use standard fonts to the extent possible.

4) General content requirements

  • These requirements apply to all material presented at ICCP 2024: live paper presentations, posters, demos, and videos.
  • Authors must ensure their presentation materials respect copyrights for all content: music, images, and videos. ICCP 2024 cannot show copyrighted material without appropriate permissions.
  • Posters will be uploaded to the ICCP YouTube channel. YouTube automatically detects copyrighted materials (e.g., background music) used without permission, which can result in undesirable advertisements and takedown requests. ICCP 2024 organizers will need to comply with any such requests. The authors are responsible for ensuring that their presentations respect copyrights for all content.
  • Authors must ensure that their presentation materials are in good taste for an audience of varied cultures and backgrounds, and comply with the ICCP 2024 code of conduct, IEEE Computer Society Open Conference Statement, IEEE Event Conduct and Safety Statement, and the YouTube Community Guidelines.
  • Recordings of presentations and videos will be made available to ICCP 2024 attendees, as well as to the general public via YouTube. Please do not disclose material that is of confidential nature in your presentations and videos.