Photography Competition

The voting link will be available on Wednesday morning.

To see an image in full size:
(a) From a phone: Long press –> Preview image.
(b) From a laptop browser: Right click on photo –> Open image in new tab

Uploaded images from participants

  • Updating from time to time.

The competition

ICCP 2024 continues its long (2-year-old) and loved tradition of hosting a photography competition. Our goal is to generate a lovely photo gallery that captures the moments and experiences you have during the conference. Your goal is to WIN :).

Selection process

We will periodically upload the submitted photos on this page until the submission deadline on Tuesday, July 23rd, 23:59 CET. Then on Wednesday morning, all registered attendees will receive a voting link to select the Best Photo of ICCP 2024.


Amidst the electric excitement of their triumphant feat, the champion shall not only bask in glory but also seize a very nice photography book!

Rules and Participation

All registered attendees (including free registrations) can enter the competition using the following instructions:

  • Number of entries: Each participant can submit only up to three photos. You do not need to submit all your photos at once.
  • Valid submissions: Valid submissions include any conference-related photos taken from the moment you land in Switzerland.
  • Submission: You can submit your photos using this Dropbox link.
  • File naming: Please name your submitted files using your first and last name (all lowercase, with spaces and any special characters replaced with underscores), followed by the photograph number. For example, if you submit two photos and your name is Robert Oppenheimer, the file names should be robert_oppenheimer_1.jpg, and robert_oppenheimer_2.jpg.
  • Formatting: You should submit images such that the largest dimension is no larger than 1024px.
  • Submission deadline: You can submit photos until Tuesday, July 23rd, 23:59 CET.


If you have any questions, please get in touch with