
Congratulations to all the award winners!

ICCP 2024 Best Paper Award

High-performance real-world optical computing trained by in situ gradient-based model-free optimization. Guangyuan Zhao, Xin Shu, and Renjie Zhou. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

ICCP 2024 Poster Award

Mitransient: Transient light transport in Mitsuba 3. Diego Royo*, Miguel Crespo*, Jorge Grarcía-Pueyo. Universidad de Zaragoza, EPFL

ICCP 2024 Demo Award

LenslessPiCam: A Hardware and Software Platform for Lensless Computational Imaging with a Raspberry PI. Eric Bezzam, Stefan Peters, Martin Vetterli, EPFL

ICCP 2024 Photography Competition Winner: Quinton Qu

Award-winning photo