Call for Posters & Demos

The IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) brings together researchers and practitioners from the multiple fields that computational photography intersects: computational imaging, computer graphics, computer vision, optics, art, and design. We invite you to present your work to this broad audience during the ICCP posters session. Whereas ICCP papers must describe original research, the posters, and demos give an opportunity to showcase previously published or yet-to-be-published work to a broader community.

The poster track is non-exclusive, and papers submitted to the paper or abstract tracks of ICCP are welcome to present a poster as well.

We are now accepting submissions for the following kinds of work for presentation as posters and demos:


  • Recent research on computational photography previously published in another venue. This is your chance to present your work to the full computational photography audience!
  • Late-breaking technical results and research, including, but not limited to, progress in computational algorithms, optical system design, and innovative applications.


  • Demos of working computational photography prototypes and tools and software platform and/or imaging instrumentation utilizing computational photography techniques, including both research and commercial systems.


  • This year, we will have a community outreach session. The targeted audience includes K-12 students, undergraduates, and the general public. If you have computational photography related outreach activities, or if you believe that your poster/demo will be of interest to a broader audience, please submit your work to the outreach.

The list of accepted and presented Posters and Demos are announced on our conference website, which serves as a record of the presentation. Additionally, the top 10-15% of Posters and Demos will be selected for spotlight presentations during the conference. 

Submission Guidelines

Please fill the following form to submit your poster/demo. 


May 31, 2024